Street and house number Werinherstr. 43
postcode 81541
Location München


Short info

Personnel service provider specializing in event personnel for catering, hotels, restaurants and events as well as provider of exclusive events and location services.


Our focus is on the placement of event personnel. You will find reliable, friendly and trained personnel for event catering, hotels and restaurants. We also provide hostesses for events as well as student assistants for other areas (logistics, shuttle service, office work, etc.).

Special features & further information

GREATSTAFF was founded in Munich in 2018. The agency is owner-managed and has an unlimited temporary employment agency. What sets us apart are virtues such as reliability, speed and transparency. GREATSTAFF is a professional and flexible partner for all aspects of personnel. The satisfaction of our customers and the motivation of our employees are our top priorities.


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Werinherstr. 43
81541 München