Beyond.Host GmbH

Street and house number Lindenweg 4
postcode 82284
Location Grafrath

Beyond.Host GmbH

Short info

The biggest challenge in the event or hospitality industry is having the right number of employees at the right time exactly where guests need them and doing it all in a cost-effective way!


Beyond.Host is a cloud-based software that helps improve communication between speakers and service staff in conference rooms through digital transmission of service requests with just one click.

On the other hand, Beyond.Host supports interactive communication between trainers, speakers and participants in conjunction with the Beyond.Host User App. With Beyond.Host, we have rethought communication in conference rooms and set a new standard for optimal equipment.

With Beyond.Host, you'll have the opportunity to rethink processes around your conference area to increase efficiency and service quality. Furthermore, Beyond.Host significantly improves your digital offerings in the conference area and allows you to generate additional revenue.

Special features & further information

WHY BEYOND.HOST? Because Beyond.Host connects your customers and employees to create a completely new conference experience.

  1. Increase in customer satisfaction?
  2. Relief for employees?
  3. Digitization of your conference area?
  4. Increase in revenue,

    ?these are just some of the benefits that Beyond.Host offers! With Beyond.Host, you'll have the opportunity to rethink processes around your conference area to increase efficiency and service quality.

And these are the features of Beyond.Host:

  1. Service request (Lock, refresh, Break Delay, Indoor, Outdoor, Text Message)
  2. Motion sensor
  3. Q&A,
  4. Voting,
  5. Digital Gong,
  6. Music
  7. Timer

It can be done quickly: From step 1. the demo through the individual consultation and installation to step 4. the training and on-site orientation in 2-4 weeks.


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Lindenweg 4
82284 Grafrath